Requesting your records can bring up a range of emotions. Learn where you can find support to help you before, during, and after you have received your records.
You do not need to make a sensitive claim to get your records. You can request any personal information that the Ministry of Education holds at any time.
Find out how to request your records from the Ministry of Education.
On the claim formopen_in_new, there is a box you can tick if you want to receive a copy of your records.
If you do not tick the box when you first fill in the claim form, you can change your mind later.
When the Ministry of Education Sensitive Claims team starts processing your claim, they use the information in your claim form to find records about you. They should offer you a copy of your records once they have finished searching for them.
You can also have whānau, a support person, or your lawyer or advocate request your records on your behalf. The Ministry will ask you to sign a consent form allowing your support person or legal representative access to your records.
You can request your records by talking to the senior advisor assigned to you when you made your claim, or you can make your request by:
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