What format will I receive the records in from MSD?

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Last updated: January 29, 2025

You may request your records in the format you prefer

Historic Claims will contact you when they can send your records to you.

The  most common ways to get your records are: 

  • electronically, and emailed to you using a secure file sharing service
  • printed out, and sent to you by courier (at no cost to you – it will need a signature on delivery) 
  • printed, and sent to an Oranga Tamariki officeopen_in_new for you to pick up 
  • printed, and sent to a Work and Income officeopen_in_new for you to pick up. 

If you are in prison, you can only get the records as paper copies. 

If you receive the records electronically, you will be emailed a link that expires after seven days 

If you choose to receive the records as electronic files, you will be sent an email with:  

  • a link to the records  
  • instructions for using the link. 

You will get a password to access and download the records. The download link will not work after seven days.  If the download link expires before you have accessed and downloaded the records, you can ask Historic Claims for a new linkIf you choose to pick up your records in person, they will want to see your ID 

If you go to an Oranga Tamariki office or Work and Income office to pick up your records, take some photo ID with you. 

The Oranga Tamariki or Work and Income staff member will check your photo ID before giving you the information. They will also ask you to sign something saying that you have received your records.