What happens after I make a claim with MSD?

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Last updated: January 29, 2025

The Historic Claims team should tell you about the claims process

They can answer any questions you have. They will also ask you for details about what you experienced. 

In assessing claims, the Historic Claims team follows a guidance document called the MSD Historic Claims Handbook. You can download the handbookopen_in_new.

Making a claim and talking about your experiences can bring up a range of emotions. Find out about support you can get during this time. 

You can ask for a copy of your records when you make your claim 

If you make a claim of abuse or neglect with MSD’s Historic Claims team, and they find you eligible to make a claim, you can ask for a copy of your records.  
You can request a copy of your records at any time during the claims process. You can also change your mind at any time if you do or do not want your records.

When the Historic Claims team receives your claim, they get your records from Oranga Tamariki to help them:  

Learn more about getting your records when you make a claim with MSD. 

The Historic Claims team will contact you about assessment options 

MSD uses the word ‘assessment’ to mean the process they do to check what you might get offered from your claim, such as an apology or payment of money. 

The assessment options are: 

  • rapid payment 
  • individualised claim assessment 
  • put your claim on hold and wait for the new redress systemopen_in_new that has been recommended by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. 

With the rapid payment and individualised claim assessment options, MSD might offer you: 

  • an apology 
  • a payment of money 
  • access to support services
  • payment of reasonable legal fees. 

You can say no to what MSD offers you.

Find out what you can do if you are unhappy with MSD’s offer.

Learn about the difference between MSD’s two assessment options.