How do I make a complaint about incorrect redactions?

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Last updated: January 7, 2025

You can make a complaint if you believe your records have been redacted incorrectly

Redactions are when information is hidden or removed. Learn more about redactions

People have told us that sometimes information was redacted when instead it should have been provided to them. 

If you think an organisation has redacted information you should have been given, you can make a complaint to them and ask them why.  

The organisation might: 

  • explain why they redacted your records
  • give you the full version of your records
  • give you more information from your records that was previously redacted
  • give you a summary of redacted information so you know what those areas are about. 

You have the right to take your complaint to the Privacy Commissioner

If you are not happy with the organisation’s response to your complaint, you can make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner