What records do the Good Shepherd Sisters hold?

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The Good Shepherd Sisters should have records about these places

The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (Good Shepherd Sisters) has an archive in Melbourne, Australia.  

The archive holds the records of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Australia and New Zealand from 1863 until today. Their archives should include records about: 

  • Good Shepherd Convent Waikowhai (including Rosemount 
  • Residential School and Training Centre) in Auckland 
  • Home of the Good Shepherd in Auckland 
  • Marycrest in Te Horo 
  • Mount Magdala, in Christchurch 
  • Rosanna (Good Shepherd Hostel for expectant mothers) in Lower Hutt 
  • St Euphrasia's (Good Shepherd Convent) in Upper Hutt 
  • St Joseph's Orphanage (Halswell) in Christchurch. 

If they do not have records about your time in the care of one of the places listed, you have the right to know why.

Learning that your records may be missing information or have little information can bring up a range of emotions. Find out what help and support is available.      

Find out how to request records from the Good Shepherd Archives.