How do I request records from the Auckland Diocesan Archives?

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Last updated: January 10, 2025

Choose records from their list of orphanage records that you want to access 

Requesting your records can bring up a range of emotions. Learn where you can find support to help you on your journey.The Auckland Diocesan Archives website has a list of records they hold about:  

  • St Joseph’s School and Orphanage in Takapuna, Auckland  
  • Star of the Sea in Howick, Auckland. 

To request records about these orphanages: 

  • download their list of records 
  • note down which records you want to access  
  • contact the archive with your list of records you want to access. 

Or you can just contact the archive and request any records they have about you.

You can contact the archive by email or phone 

You can:

Or you can use our online records request form. This form lets you request records from more than organisation at a time.

They will want to see proof of your identity

Examples of proof of ID they will accept, include a copy of your: 

  • passport 
  • driver's licence 
  • certificates showing name changes (if you have changed your name) - for example, a marriage certificate. 

To request any of their other records, contact the archive staff 

Contact the archive by phone or email if you want help to access records that are not about their two orphanages. They will want to see proof of your ID if you want access to records that have personal information. 

They need to respond to your request within 20 working days 

Under the Privacy Act, the archive needs to respond to your request within 20 working days. If they need more time to complete your request, they need to tell you why and how much longer it will take them. 

Your records may be redacted 

The archive may redact (remove or hide) information from your records if required by the Privacy Act. Learn more about redactions