What information will the Methodist Church ask for when I request records?

family 13 family 13
Last updated: January 11, 2025

Information they will ask for if you request records 

When you request your records, the Methodist Church will ask to see: 

  • proof of your identity (for example, your driver’s licence or passport)
  • your date of birth and
  • your current address (if you want your records to be couriers to your home). 

It may assist them to find your records if you are also able to include details about your time in care, even if you are unsure about the details. For example:  

  • the dates you were in their care
  • the names of places where you lived
  • names of staff  
  • where the places you lived in were located.  

You do not have to provide these additional details about your time in care if you do not want to. 

Additional information they might ask for if you are requesting whānau records 

If you are requesting records about a living whānau member, the Church will also ask you for proof that the whānau member has given you permission to see information about them.  

If you are requesting records about a deceased whānau member, the Church will also ask you for proof of:  

  • the whānau member’s death and
  • your relationship to them.