Records in Archives NZ’s collection that contain personal information are usually restricted, and to access them you request permission from the controlling agency.
A controlling agency is the government agency that has control over the records. For example, Oranga Tamariki is the controlling agency for the records of most children’s homes.
So, if your complaint is about the controlling agency’s response, you can make your complaint to the controlling agency.
Learn how to make a complaint about different government agencies.
If you have a complaint about Archives NZ, you can send it by email to
Even if the controlling agency wants to change a record in the Archives collection, they must consult with Archives NZ about it. Records held by Archives NZ are final records – this means Archives NZ will not edit or correct those records, unless ordered by a Judge.
The Ombudsman will generally only look into your complaint if you have already tried making a complaint to Archives NZ. But if your complaint is about their response to your records request, you can go straight to the Ombudsman.The Ombudsman deals with complaints about government agencies, and some organisations contracted to government agencies.
For example, you could complain to the Ombudsman if you are unhappy with Archives NZ’s response to your complaint about:
Find out how to make a complaint to the Ombudsman.
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