You have a legal right to access records made about youLearn about your rights to access records and the limited lawful reasons why you might not get access to records. You may also be able to request records about your whānau.
The Department of Corrections (Corrections) manages New Zealand’s prisons and Community Corrections sitesopen_in_new. (Auckland south Corrections Facility is a private prison, managed by SERCO.)
They hold records from:
prisons and Community Corrections (for example custodial, medical, probation, psychological and programme records)
(Oranga Tamariki holds records from youth justice facilities that previously operated and those that are currently open. Learn how to request records from Oranga Tamariki.)
Examples of records may include:
admission records
records of decisions about prisoners
records about how the facilities were managed.
We prepared this guidance with information received from the Department of Corrections.