How do I request records from Corrections?

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Last updated: January 21, 2025

You can make a records request by email, post, or in person 

You can make a request to the Department of Corrections (Corrections) by: 

Ministerial Services

Department of Corrections

PO Box 1206

Wellington 6140 

  • in person at a Community Corrections Centre 
  • in person to a staff member or by using the Prisoner Kiosk (if you are in prison)
  • using our online records request form. This form lets you request records from more than organisation at a time.

Requesting your records can bring up a range of emotions. Learn where you can find support to help you on your journey. 

If you make a request in person, you may be asked to write down your request 

Corrections staff may ask you to write down your request, to make sure they understand your request. You do not have to write down your request if you do not want to. Corrections staff can write it down and check with you if it is correct. 

If you are making a request for someone else, you may need their written approval 

You can make a request on behalf of whānau or friends. Corrections may need their written approval before you can continue the records request. If the person you want to make a request for is in prison, you can ask Corrections to get their written approval for you. 

If you make a records request about deceased whānau, you might not be able to receive their personal information 

Corrections will consider if they can provide records to you about a deceased whānau member depending on: 

  • your relationship with the deceased
  • if you had power of attorney (the legal power to make decisions for the whānau member) or letters of administration (a court order that makes you administrator of the whānau member’s estate)
  • any evidence that the whānau member would have consented to you receiving their records
  • how old the information you are requesting is
  • the sort of information held. 

If Corrections will not release the records to you, they should explain why.