Disability Support Services (DSS)

Group 28 Group 28

You have a legal right to access records made about you

Learn about your rights to access records and the limited lawful reasons why you might not get access to records. You may also be able to request records about your whānau.

Disability Support Services (DSS) is an independent business unit within the Ministry for Social Development (DSS was previously part of Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People).

DSS funds supports and services for disabled people, mainly people under 65 years old. It does this through contracts with organisations (service providers) that provide disability supports and services.  

DSS and its service providers may have records about you if you have lived in residential care or accessed the following supports and services: 

  • Home and Community Support Services
  • Supported Living
  • Choices in Community Living
  • Respite 

We prepared this guidance with information received from DSS and from people who have requested their records from DSS.