The Ministry of Education holds records about:
Learn how to request your records from the Ministry of Education.
Schools that are still open hold their own records. This includes:
If you want to access records about your time at a school, you can contact the school (if it is still open). Once students have left school, the school does not have to keep information about the students. However, sometimes they keep some enrolment information.
Learn how to request your records from schools.
The Ministry of Education does not hold school records unless the school has closed. Schools that closed may have:
Unfortunately, some records have been lost and we do not know the reasons why.
The Ministry of Education holds records about school students who receive or received Learning Support (previously known as Special Education). These need to be kept until the student’s 31st birthday.
Unfortunately, between 1989 and 2002 there was a rule that these records had to be:
The Ministry of Education did not keep track of which records were destroyed under this rule. Unfortunately, if you received special education services between 1989 and 2002 there may not be any records.
Some Special Education / Learning Support records from before the mid-1990’s may be missing as well.
Learning that your records may be missing can bring up a range of emotions. It can be helpful to have someone to talk to. Learn where you can find support.
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