Under the Privacy Act you have the right to request your records in your preferred format. If Oranga cannot provide your records in the format you prefer, they have to provide a reason why.
Learn more about your right to request records in your preferred formatopen_in_new.
The common ways Oranga Tamariki provides records are as:
If you received your records by email but no longer have your password, you can call Oranga Tamariki to get a new password via phone or text.
When your records are ready to be sent to you, Oranga Tamariki will contact you to confirm your identity and ask you how you would like to receive your records.
To confirm your identity, they might ask you questions that only the person the records are about, could answer.
You might feel uncomfortable knowing that someone else has information about you that you do not yet have. It can help to talk to someone about it. If you do not know who to talk to, find out where you can get support.
If you prefer not to answer questions based on your records and you have photo ID, you can arrange to pick up your records from an Oranga Tamariki site officeopen_in_new instead.
Oranga Tamariki may ask if you have or need support. They will give you a list of free independent support options when they provide your records.
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