Oranga Tamariki should have records about you if:
Your records are likely to include things like:
Other records of interest Oranga Tamariki holds that you can request include:
Learning that your records may be missing, can bring up a range of emotions. It can be helpful to have someone to talk to. Learn where you can find support.
Sometimes the records you are requesting may be missing or no longer exist. You have the right to ask Oranga Tamariki what happened and why.
From April 2017, Oranga Tamariki is not allowed to destroy your records.
If a record is missing, Oranga Tamariki have told us it might be because:
Previous child protection agencies had disposal authorities that allowed them to dispose of some records.
For example, in the:
Disposal of records can mean:
If your records have been moved to Archives NZ, you can still request copies of them from Oranga Tamariki.
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