What support might be useful when seeking records?

Group 31 Group 31
Last updated: January 30, 2025

If there is an emergency, please dial 111 immediately. If you are unsure, dial 111 anyway. Otherwise, please visit our Helplines and Support Services page. 

Kawakawa leaves, which are green and heart-shaped. These ones have holes in them.

E tū kahikatea, hei whakapae ururoa 
Awhi mai Awhi atu 
Tātou tātou e 
Stand like the Kahikatea 
Stand against the storm 
Together, united, we will survive


“The kahikatea has a shallow root system. Beneath the ground the roots of a stand form an intertwining mesh that provides support for a tree to grow to great heights. This is how they stand together.” Nā Hirini Melbourne (Te Wao Nui a Tāne). 

laying under the tree sml

We have heard from people who have been through the process of getting their records about how important it is to have support. Below are some suggestions about kinds of support that might be useful. You can also check our list of support agencies, advocacy groups and helplines.




Listen to the waiata on the Ngā Pihi 1 albumopen_in_new (ads may play before the waiata)

Sunset view of a beach with a campervan in the distance and an island beyond that

Wellbeing support

A kete (basket) holding ferns



Your wellbeing is important. Find ideas about keeping your Wellbeing Basket - Kōnae Oranga full. 

Using Te Whare Tapa Whā as a model of oranga (wellbeing) and hauora (health), the four dimensions of whānau (family), tinana (physical), hinengaro (mental and emotional), and wairua (spirituality) are considered, along with their relationships to the whenua (natural world and origins). 


For some, this might also be a time when professional support from a doctor (GP), counsellor or therapist.

Talk therapy may not suit everyone. There are other forms of therapy or services that can also be useful, such as mirimiri or kairongoā (Māori healing practitioners). 

You may also find other kinds of support from:

  • whānau or family 
  • friends
  • others who have been through similar experiences
  • support groups
  • people who share your spiritual beliefs 

Practical supports

You might want practical support with the process, such as:

  • access to a computer or device
  • help with setting up an email address
  • applying for Identification
  • navigating this website and other websites
  • or communicating with agencies or institutions. 

Some options might include: 


Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – there are over 80 Bureau throughout the country staffed by volunteers. Find a CAB | Citizens Advice Bureauopen_in_new You can also visit the website or call 0800 367 222. There is a separate Youth Tool Kete | CAB Youth Tool Keteopen_in_new website especially for young people. 



Tamariki or rangatahi, children or young people up to 25 years who are care experienced, can also access the support of a Kaiwhakamana (advocate) from Voyce Whakarongo Maiopen_in_new.


Similarly, Oranga Tamariki Transition services for 15 – 25 year olds should also be able to provide support, Transition support for rangatahi | Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Childrenopen_in_new 



The Survivor Experiences Service is for people who were abused in state, faith-based, or other forms of care (for example, private schools, non-government organisations).

It is survivor-led, by survivors for survivors. It is guided by an independent Board, which includes survivors of abuse from diverse backgrounds. They offer two services for survivors and whānau including opportunity for Sharing Experiences and Records Support. About | Survivor Experiences Serviceopen_in_new

Other sources of practical support

You might also get practical support from:

  • local libraries and librarians. Especially for free internet access and use of computers.  
  • social workers attached to health services
  • record holders. If necessary, they may be able to explain some of the content of records. 

Support for survivors

If you are a survivor of abuse that occurred while under the guardianship or care of a government or faith-based organisation, you may find the following services useful:



Learn how the Survivor Experiences Service can help you. 


Survivor support groups on social media - some survivor support groups are also on social media. Search for them using keywords and location. You can check authenticity by looking for how many followers they have, viewing their Livestreams, or reading posts and comments, to see if it rings true. 


NZCAST (Collective of Abused in State Care Charitable Trust). This is a non-government, by-Survivors-for-Survivors Collective offering various support. Visit their websiteopen_in_new

Support if you are making a claim

Some of these same organisations and groups may be useful if you are considering, or are already, making a claim.  You could also try: 

ACC (Accident Compensation) - ACC is the government agency that works with sensitive claims. We have heard that making a sensitive claim can be a challenging and stressful process, so looking after yourself and having a good support network will be important for wellbeing. 

Support to understand and act on your legal rights

Community Law - Find your nearest Community Law Centreopen_in_new.



Legal representation through lawyers. You might be eligible for legal aid


Your local Citizens Advice Bureauopen_in_new.


Other things you may want to think about before or during the process of requesting records 

What might you want to achieve from accessing the records:    

  • do you want to fill in the gaps in your personal or whānau history?  
  • do you have specific questions you want answered?
  • do you want to make a claim for abuse in care?

What might be the impact on relationships (whether positive or negative), and how will you prepare for a range of possible responses from yourself, your whānau, or community?

How can you prepare for learning what is in your records?

Do you want to read the records yourself or have someone read them to you?

Have reminders to check in with yourself about how you are feeling at various points in the process. How are you enhancing your wellbeing and keeping your kōnae oranga (wellbeing basket) full?

Once requested, wait times for records may vary depending on such things as:

  • the amount of information in them
  • how many agencies are involved
  • staffing and number of requests being worked on
  • and so on.

What could you do if you receive few records or no records?

Once you have the records, what will you do with them? Some people have had their records for a few years and chosen not to read them. Others read them without hesitation. There are no wrong or right ways. You are in control of what you do and how you do it.

Having clear boundaries and good communication with whānau or other supporters is helpful. It is helpful if everyone involved has a shared understanding of expectations. What is useful support and what is not, and what are people able to realistically do. These things may change over time, so it’s good to keep checking in.